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The manor of strange and mysterious stories

Are you a Cartesian? If so, this is not for you! But if you like strange and mysterious stories, then this is the book for you. Dive into this collection of 100 true stories, testimonies, paranormal experiences, spirits, haunted houses, UFOs, inexplicable anecdotes, rites, witchcraft, beliefs, myths, mysteries, strange murders, urban legends and more... From yesterday to today, all over the world, people dare to tell their stories. This book bears witness to some of them. So, are you ready to enter the storytelling mansion?


WARNING : Although the texts are for the most part for the general public, young children and sensitive souls are advised against reading this type of work.

301 pages - Size 5.5 x 8.5 inches.
Available in paperback formats.

Publisher : self-publishing (Lionel Boulet).

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